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Understanding a Property Search When Moving Home

Conveyancing firms are important to any property transaction, helping buyers to understand the many different variables and finding any restrictions on a property. Without the help of a specialist conveyancer, you may end up moving in without knowing some vital information that could have an impact further down the line, when itbs too late for you as the owner of the house.

One way in which conveyancing is important to a property buyer is that it provides a thorough property search, utilising data from the local authority to put together a report that leaves nothing unchecked.

One aspect that you might not consider is that there could be planning applications in process that could impact on your new property, including plans for new structures and roads in your immediate vicinity. Knowing this information could be vital to the negotiating process, or put you off purchasing the property at all. It is better to know now than after youbve moved in.

Before any transaction of property can take place, the conveyance service will be able to provide you with the confirmation of the Title Register. This legal document confirms that the person selling the property to you has the legal right to do so, that they have the rights to the title register and title plan.

In terms of potential hazards it is also worth conducting a search that looks at both the water provider and potential flood and environmental impacts. Understanding the public drains in the area can impact on whether you can conduct construction work at your property site, with flood risk to the property also being an important consideration. Other environmental issues, such as landfills close to your location, can have an impact on future valuations of your property and on your lifestyle should you be looking to live at the property in question.

Central Mortgages has experience in helping put together a thorough report for our clients seeking a mortgage for a new property. For more information call us on 01277 630183.

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