Remortgaging your property when you have a bad credit score is not easy, but it isnbt impossible. The first thing you should do is take a look at your credit report; you can usually access this online. Credit scores are not always as accurate as you might think, so if there is anything on your report that you dispute, you need to notify the agency as soon as possible.
Reason for Remortgaging
Many people who want to remortgage will be doing so when a particular deal, e.g. a fixed rate mortgage, has ended. If this has happened to you, you may want to look for a better mortgage deal than the one youbre being offered at present. Sometimes people want to remortgage to deal with existing debts, and others because they are looking for a buy to let property. Whatever your reason for wanting to remortgage, it is always best to get some independent advice first.
Banks are in business to make money. It is not always a good idea to go to your bank to remortgage if you have an adverse credit rating, as this could make the situation worse. Central Mortgages is an independent mortgage advice agency, which means that we can access many different lenders to find what could be the best deal, given your particular circumstances. While itbs not easy to remortgage when you have an adverse credit report, there are lenders out there who will deal with customers in this position. Contact us today for more information and advice.